Friday, April 15, 2011

pete's latest handiwork...

check out the amazing planter boxes Pete built for the deck! five little beauties in all. we'd been searching for a pattern for quite a while when pete came across this one from the new yankee woodshop. thanks norm! these will soon be filled with tomatoes, basil, eggplant, peppers, and beans...i can hardly wait! i hope the veggies enjoy their new home as much as i do.

1 comment:

Aimee said...

Awesome! I just planted peas today. My new goal this year is to plant with the phases of the moon. Inspired by the farmers' almanac, and my missing the intertidal. It says crops that produce above ground are best planted during the waxing moon and below ground veggies, think radishes and carrots, you plant during the waning moon. Hope your veggies enjoy their great new boxes!